On 9 February 2023, RIAC hosted presentation of Report
"Practicing Public Diplomacy in the Regions of the Russian Federation (2017 – 2021)", which was the result of many months of research, analysis and drafting done by Creative Diplomacy team:
Natalia Burlinova, Vera Tabak, Daria Bozhko, Anastasia Tolokonina and Ekaterina Melnikova. From February through September, 2022, they gathered and analyzed data on 84 regions of Russia, including over 1000 public diplomacy (PD) projects. As a result, they were able to make a unique Rating of the regions' PD potential.
The Report and the Rating were represented by
Natalia Burlinova, President of Creative Diplomacy and a RIAC expert,
Elena Karpinskaya, RIAC Deputy Director of Programmes, and
Vera Tabak, Head of Research group of Creative Diplomacy.
The following experts participated in the ensued discussion:
- Tatiana V. Shlychkova, Deputy Director of Department for Humanitarian Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out the variability of terminology: "social diplomacy", "public diplomacy", "people's diplomacy", and the topicality of the Research. She added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also gathered data on PD projects and that the Concept of Humanitarian Policy of the Russian Federation Abroad (September 2022) set certain tasks in the international sphere for both Russian regions and NGOs.
See Natalia Burlinova's comment on the Concept «Foreign Policy Statement About Russian Values».