In 2019, the Debates will take place in the format of a discussion on three topics between Russian experts of RIAC/Creative Diplomacy and their American colleagues of
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University on the other side. In total, there will be three pairs of participants, with everyone taking a yes/no position on each question.
Every pair discusses one question during approximately one hour.
The audience votes (yes/no) before the start of the debate —
2 minutesEach speaker takes the floor (the first round) —
7 minutes for each speech (
14 minutes in total)
Speakers clarify their positions (the second round) —
5 minutes for each speech (
10 minutes in total)
Speakers pose one question to each other – 1 minute for each question + 3 minutes for each answer (
8 minutes in total)
Comments and questions from the audience –
20 minutes in totalThe final word of each speaker –
2 minutes (
4 minutes in total)
The audience votes again –
2 minutes