Meeting Russia Discussion Club
We continue our work within Meeting Russia Alumni Club,
where periodic talks by various experts and discussions take place.
We invite you to the 5th seminar
which will be held in a new format of a book discussion.
Our honoured speaker is Marlene Laruelle, Research Professor at George Washington University (Washington DC), Director of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES), director of the Illiberalism Studies Program, and co-director of PONARS-Eurasia.

Marlene Laruelle works on the rise of populist and illiberal movements in post-Soviet Eurasia, Europe and the US. Trained in political philosophy, she explores how nationalism and conservative values are becoming mainstream in different cultural contexts. She focuses on Russia's ideological landscape and its outreach abroad. She has been also working on Central Asia's nationhood and regional environment, as well as on Russia's Arctic policy.

During our seminar, we will discuss Dr. Laruelle's latest monography "Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West". Welcome to take part in our discussion!

The webinar is set to April 27th at 6 PM (GMT+3).
The link to join:
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