A new season of Meeting Russia Program
Dear friends, we are happy to announce that the 4th season of Meeting Russia - Public Diplomacy Program for Young Leaders - will take place in September 2020.
Meeting Russia seeks to facilitate dialogue between rising leaders interested in Russia and contribute to the discussion about Russia–West relations.
Meeting Russia is a unique independently-run public diplomacy program for young leaders. The program brings together young representatives of academia, governmental institutions, parliaments, think-tanks, media and private sector from the US and European countries, as well as Russia.

The three-day program held in Moscow focuses on Russia's foreign policy and its relations with the West. Through meetings with senior Russian officials, top experts and exchange of ideas with their peers, participants have great opportunity to address critical issues related to Russia's role in world affairs and to connect with a diverse professional community.
Voices of Meeting Russia
Other videos are available at
Voices of Meeting Russia - Dale Bass (USA)
Voices of Meeting Russia - Lauren Rogers (USA)
Past programs
Meeting Russia was first held in February 2017 with 19 participants from eight countries (Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Spain, and the United States).

In March 2018 the program was held for the second time and brought together 24 participants from 10 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States).

In March 2019 Meeting Russia, a three-day program for young leaders from Western countries, was held in Moscow for the third time. Twenty-one participants from the United States, EU countries, Canada, and China visited Moscow to learn about Russian perspective on international affairs and to meet Russian foreign policy experts and practitioners.

The participants of the program visited the government and some research organizations including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Moscow, the State Duma, the Valdai Club and the Russian International Affairs Council, where a series of discussions on various aspects of Russian foreign policy were held. At the Eurasian Economic Commission they learned about the Eurasian integration project. Meeting Russia also featured visits to the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center and to the Tretyakov Gallery that focuses on Russian society, culture, and arts.

On the last day of the program, the international participants were joined by their Russian peers for heated debate about Russia–U.S. relations, the crisis of political leadership and the new generation of leaders, and public diplomacy.
Application will be open soon on Meeting Russia page