The Washington Post
November 5, 2016By Brittany Holom, Alyssa Haas and Yury BarminThe U.S.-Russia relationship, by many
accounts, has reached a low point not seen since the Cold War.
Ukraine and the
imposition of sanctions, and
accusations of hacking are just some of the bilateral bones of contention.
Against this backdrop, private initiatives and
Track II diplomacy — the quiet, non-politicized discussions that can bring about progress on contentious issues — have helped the otherwise bleak relationship stay the course.
One example of this type of diplomacy is the annual
Fort Ross Dialogue. Russian and U.S. intellectuals, politicians and business leaders met recently at Stanford University for the 2016 session. After
top leaders provided some perspective on the challenges of the bilateral relationship, panels discussed ideas for educational exchange programs and innovative collaborative projects.
[The U.S. has just accused Russia of hacking America's election] When international relationships are particularly tense, such dialogues are an important alternative channel to official diplomatic contacts. According to the U.S. Institute of Peace,
Track II diplomacy happens when civil society leaders engage in "unofficial dialogue and problem-solving activities aimed at building relationships and encouraging new thinking that can inform the official process."
Track I diplomacy involves official meetings — the events that the media is likely to cover. Since the 1960s, Track II diplomacy has concentrated instead on peer-to-peer relations and sub-national contact between states. The actual terminology was introduced in a 1981
Foreign Policy article by psychiatrist William D. Davidson and Foreign Service officer Joseph V. Montville. In the early 2000s, "
Track 1.5" diplomacy emerged, an approach that includes both state and non-state actors.
Unofficial ties date back to the 1960s The
Kettering Foundation's Dartmouth Conference, one of the oldest unofficial initiatives between the United States and what was then the Soviet Union, began bringing together citizen leaders in 1960. Participants continued to meet over the decades, including
tense discussions during the Cuban missile crisis. The Dartmouth Conference has hosted more than 130 meetings on a broad range of topics, including nuclear disarmament, climate change, trade relations and peace frameworks for the Middle East.
Educational exchanges are a cornerstone of Track II diplomacy.
The Institute of International Education's 2015 report shows that 1,527 U.S. students were in Russia in 2013-2014, and 5,562 Russians studied in the United States in 2014-15. During their student years, both
Ambassador Michael McFaul, a former ambassador to Moscow, and former s
ecretary of state Condoleezza Ricestudied Russian at Soviet universities. The
2010 SAGE project detailed how study-abroad programs promote the development of global engagement, leading to long-term political and economic benefits.
Scientific exchanges also have a long and collaborative history. A 2004
National Research Council report looked at 50 years of U.S.-U.S.S.R./Russian interagency scientific cooperation and argued for continued ties between research academies. Future plans called for cooperation in education, environmental protection, nonproliferation, innovation and other areas. As Russian universities move to internationalize under the Russian
Ministry of Science and Education's 5-100 program, both scientific and student exchanges could increase.
[Russian health-care protests continue despite Putin's popularity] A
2009 CSIS report detailed the long history of "
health diplomacy" between Russia and the United States — more than 30 partnerships between health institutions foster direct peer-to-peer links between more than 3,500 U.S. and Russian doctors and health-care workers.