Fight against disinformationLet's make one thing clear in advance: there is no such thing as disinformation, there is only information. The concept of disinformation in itself already contains a value judgement that reveals what it is actually about - politics as a power game to enforce one's own values and interests exposes the concept of disinformation as a means of enforcing one's own political power.
The Digital Services Act (DSA), which also contains rules on combating disinformation, is already in force at the EU level. However, there is also
a law on artificial intelligence, which is intended to combat the spread of so-called "deepfakes" and thus -
according to von der Leyen – fight back destabilizing attacks in social media, especially around elections.
By contrast, the
East StratCom Task Force has been working largely unnoticed by the general public for eight years
, with which the European Union is attempting to strengthen its response to the threat of information manipulation and influence peddling from abroad. In 2015, the heads of state and government of the then 28 member states decided within the framework of the European Council to take action against
“Russia's ongoing disinformation campaigns”. To this end, a team of experts was set up in the Strategic Communication and Information Analysis Unit of the
EU Diplomatic Service. At its heart is the
EUvsDisinfo project, which identifies and analyses so-called disinformation in its various forms and publishes corresponding articles, campaigns, databases, and analyses. The content generated in this way is then fed back into the work of think tanks, political parties, non-profit organizations, and the media.
The effort put into the defense against alleged disinformation is enormous. On the one hand, the Task Force relies on the resources available in the EU institutions and the Member States, including the staff of the institutions and seconded national experts from the Member States. On the other hand, the Task Force works within the existing budget for EU strategic communication. In 2021, the total budget of the EEAS Strategic Communication and Information Analysis Division for countering disinformation and manipulative interference and for strategic communication capabilities
amounted to EUR 11.1 million. It can be assumed that this budget has continued to grow in the meantime.